Authorizer can be used to enable CAS logins on WordPress websites hosted on a UA subdomain.
Info Note regarding emails
When configuring this plugin, you must make sure all users email addresses follow the
The default settings for the Login Access and Public Access sections should be good, but may be changed to suit the needs of your site. These settings are tailored to a use case where all content editors should login through CAS. You may also use this plugin to restrict read access to the site to anyone who can login through CAS, though you'd need to configure the settings differently.
External Service
- Default role for new users: None
- OAuth2 Logins: False
- Google Logins: False
- CAS Logins: True
- custom label: CAS
- CAS server hostname:
- CAS server port: 443
- CAS server path/context: /cas
- CAS server method: Client
- CAS server protocol: SAML 1.1
- CAS attribute containing email address: email
- CAS attribute containing first name: firstname
- CAS attribute containing last name: lastname
- CAS attribute update: Update first and last name fields on login only if they are empty
- CAS automatic login: True
- CAS users linked by username: False
- LDAP Logins: False
Any of these options may be changed to fit the needs of your website.
- Limit invalid login attempts: 10, 1, 10, 10, 120
- Hide WordPress Logins: True
- Disable WordPress Logins: False